AllEars Parents’ Guide to Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom with Kids (2024)

You’re planning a trip to Walt Disney World with your kids in tow! Congratulations! The World’s most iconic park — Magic Kingdom — is a rite of passage. From taking classic photos in front of Cinderella Castle to experiencing nostalgic attractions, your visit to Magic Kingdom is sure to be a memorable one.

We’re sharing tips, suggestions, and handy information to help you make the most of your visit in two categories: Magic Kingdom Logistics and Magic Kingdom Attractions. Each of these categories is packed with info and links to other helpful posts and pages right here on AllEars.

Here’s your Parents’ Guide to Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom with kids!

Guide to Magic Kingdom Logistics

Calendar of Events

To know what special events are on the calendar during your visit, check out our Calendar of Events. We update this searchable calendar throughout the year, including EPCOT festival openings; start dates for new nighttime spectaculars, restaurant and attraction openings; After Hours events; and more.

Search by month and year to get an overview of what to expect — then get your kids psyched for all the fun!

Magic Kingdom Baby Care Center

If you’re traveling with really little ones, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the Baby Care Center offerings at Walt Disney World. Every Park has a Baby Care Center. Magic Kingdom’s is located between Casey’s Corner and Crystal Palace at the end of Adventureland side of Main Street, U.S.A..

Baby Care Centers have all the basics: baby food and formula, diapers, simple clothing, wipes, etc. But because it’s also adjacent to the First Aid Center, you’ll also find items for older guests (adults and older kids) like basic over the counter medications, bottled beverages, etc.

But Baby Care Centers don’t stop with items you can purchase (or sometimes get for free, like a single diaper). They also provide quiet spaces for nursing and changing. And if you’ve got a little one (or even an older kid) who needs a place to decompress, this is an excellent place to do that.

Click here to visit our Baby Care Center page to see more about what these hidden gems have to offer for families.

Magic Kingdom First Aid

Like the Baby Care Centers, First Aid Centers in the Parks are excellent resources for families. Found adjacent to Baby Care Centers, First Aid Centers are staffed with nurses and provide everything from single-dose pain medication to professionals to take your vitals when you’re feeling under the weather.

We’ve shared all the details about First Aid Centers here!

Stroller Rentals and Policies

When you’re visiting Walt Disney World with kids, it’s natural to wonder if you should bring or rent a stroller — even if your kid doesn’t normally use one in your ‘real life’. Disney World is huge, and the amount of walking you and the kids will do on any given day is highly unusual and flat-out exhausting.

We’ve gathered lots of Stroller FAQs here, but let’s go over some basics. You can bring your own stroller, rent from Disney in the Parks (and Disney Springs), or rent from a third party. If you rent Disney’s strollers, your options are single or double strollers that are crafted from heavy-duty plastic.

You can rent a stroller for a single day or for your length-of-stay (for a small per day discount).

There are benefits and drawbacks to all three stroller options (it can be a pain to use your own stroller on Disney transportation vehicles, the rentals are unfamiliar and perhaps uncomfortable, third party rentals often require you to be at your Resort for delivery, etc.), so you’ll need to consider lots of variables when making your decision.

Learn more about stroller rentals and use here to help make your decisions about using a stroller at Walt Disney World.

If you do choose to bring your own stroller, be sure to check the size. In 2019, Disney Parks implemented new stroller size and style requirements, and while it’s not enforced throughout the property, it can be at any time. Your stroller needs to be 31″ x 52″, and you can no longer use a wagon-style stroller.

Magic Kingdom Walking Distances

We’re including some estimated walking distances into and around the Park to give you an idea of how much walking you’ll do.

  • .25 miles: the furthest bus stop gate to Park entrance
  • .17 miles: length of Main Street, U.S.A.
  • 1.5 miles: closed loop around the Park

Keep in mind: the closed loop around the park does not include any back tracking, walks into or out of attractions, walks to find a bathroom, stops for dining or rides — it’s just the total if you took a nonstop stroll from Main Street through Adventureland and all the way around to Tomorrowland and back to Main Street. A typical day at Magic Kingdom will easily wrack up ten miles (and sometimes 20,000+ steps) in a single day.

And keep this in mind, too: the furthest bus stop gate is .25 miles from the entrance of the Park, but it will feel a lot longer at the end of a full, tiring day in the Park.

Magic Kingdom Lost and Found

If you lose any of your personal items during a day at Magic Kingdom — we’re talking your cell phone, a hat, your child’s favorite stuffed animal, your wallet — know that Magic Kingdom has a dedicated lost and found. It’s located in City Hall at the start of Main Street, U.S.A., on the left as you enter the Park.

Here’s what to do if you realize you lost something.

  • If you know where you lost it, return to that location. Talk to Cast Members on site there to see if the item was turned in or found.
  • If you know you left it in the storage pouch on a ride or at your table in a restaurant or someplace specific, let the CM know that, too. In some cases, like say on Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin, they may allow you to wait until the vehicle you were in comes back so you can check it out.
  • If your item was not located, you’ll want to check at Lost and Found in City Hall. Here they’ll search for your item (don’t worry — they’re super organized so the search should only take minutes). If it’s not there, you have one more step.
  • You’ll need to fill out a lost item form on This is a third party Disney uses to manage lost and found inquiries. Once you’ve submitted your form, you’ll hear back from Disney within 48 hours.

Learn everything you need to know about Walt Disney World Lost and Found here.

Lost Children (or Lost Parents)

At Magic Kingdom, it’s no small feat to keep your family together at all times, and when a child gets lost, it’s natural for panic to set in fast. We’re not going to minimize the intensity of this experience; it can be overwhelming. But the Cast Members at Walt Disney World do a tremendous job of handling these incredibly emotional experiences.

Before you even leave home, prepare a bit for this possibility, and the situation (should it arise) will be resolved very quickly. If your child is old enough to remember their parents’ names and phone numbers, talk to them beforehand about how to identify a Cast Member and what to tell them: “I’m lost. My parent/grown up is ______. Their phone number is ______. ”

If your child is too young to recall this information, prepare by having your phone number and name somewhere on the kid. You could write the info discreetly on your child’s MagicBand, have temporary tattoos or rubber bracelets made with the info, or find another creative option online (parents have lots of great ideas!).

Another way to prepare is to take your child’s or your children’s pictures each morning you enter a Park so you’ll have an accurate photo of them each day. When Cast Members are looking for your little one, they’ll know exactly what clothing or identifiable features they have.

When you realize your child is lost, find the nearest Cast Member and explain the situation. If you have a second adult in your group, one of you should stay right where you are while the other goes with the CM to search. The Cast Member will contact Lost Children in the Park to see if the child is there and to leave a report. All available CMs in the vicinity will be activated to search for the child, too, so it’s not just the two of you.

When a Cast Member locates your child (or when your kid asks a CM for help), the CM will stay with your child until you are reunited. This may happen when your child or the CM they’re with calls you. Or it may happen when the CM who’s with your found child contacts the CM who’s with you. The reunion may happen nearby if your child hasn’t gotten too far away, or it may happen at the Baby Care Center, where a Cast Member will wait with your found child until you arrive.

Cast Members are trained to handle these situations calmly and efficiently. It may not help you to know that if you’re ever experiencing a lost kiddo situation, but know, too, that whoever finds your child will also be trained to help them feel safe and secure. They’ll likely even refer to the kid’s “lost parents” so the child won’t feel badly about being lost.

Where to Go if Your Child Needs a Nap

If your child (or children) need a nap but you’re not able to head back to your Resort or hotel, there are some quiet spots in Magic Kingdom where you can find relative quiet. Baby Care Centers are great spots to rest, and even if your child isn’t a baby anymore, these spaces are likely still available to them. If the Baby Care Center is full of, well, babies, see if the First Aid Center has a quiet space you can rest for a short time.

Other quiet spots can include out-of-the-way tables in restaurants not during meal time (meal times are busy and noisy, but also you don’t want to claim a table that might be needed for actual diners). We like some of the shadowy corners of Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn & Cafe and the space upstairs at Columbia Harbour House.

Restrooms are also typically a bit off the beaten path, and you’ll often find benches (and maybe even some shade!) if you’re lucky! The space near the restrooms near Space Mountain (behind the Joffrey’s Revive stand and Tomorrowland stage) tend to be relatively low-key, and Adventureland has some out-of-the-way restrooms past the Pirate’s League and Plaza del Sol Caribe Bazaar, too. (Bonus: space around the Adventureland restrooms are also covered to provide plenty of shade.)

But perhaps the ultimate space for a nap, so long as you don’t mind being outside for a bit, is Tom Sawyer Island. Find a quiet spot to sit and relax, and let the kiddo grab some zzzzzs.

Of course, if you’re not averse to getting some extra steps in, you can always get your child comfy in the stroller and just walk around for a bit. Maybe grab a drink along the way and just enjoy your surroundings. If you’re visiting with your own personal stroller, this may be the ideal option.

Or if you think your child can handle a little bit of noise (and pull himself or herself away from the sights) and you don’t mind technically leaving the Park, you could always take a few loops around on the Monorail! In the late morning and early afternoon, you may find some relative quiet time on this highway in the sky, and the motion of the ride might actually help lull a young child to dreamland.

Restroom MVPs

When you’re traveling the World with little ones (or big ones with little bladders), knowing where to find the best restrooms can be some seriously valuable information. Here are out Restroom MVPs.

The Tomorrowland Terrace Restrooms are tucked into the right side of Tomorrowland Terrace and just around the corner from The Plaza Restaurant. These restrooms aren’t well-known (or super convenient, really), but if you’re hanging out on Main Street for a parade or nighttime show, these might be your saving grace.

The Rockettower Plaza Stage Restrooms between Space Mountain and Carousel of Progress have the added bonus of two companion restrooms. Plus this are tends not to be too busy (most folks travel through Tomorrowland on the main paths between the stage and the Peoplemover).

The award for the funnest restrooms in the Kingdom easily goes to the Tangled Toilets. Okay, that’s not the official name, but that’s what we call them. The Tangled Toilets are along the pathway between Fantasyland and Liberty Square, and aside from having a bunch of toilets and a couple of changing tables, it’s got tons of hidden (and not-so-hidden) odes to the film. Your kids will love exploring this whole area. (And the grown ups won’t mind chilling in the nearby, mostly shaded seating area — with USB ports for charging.)

We’re back at the Pirates of the Caribbean Restrooms again because you just can’t beat this quiet, lesser-known spot. This is a solid option if you’re looking to have your kids decompress while they, you know, conduct business.

For convenience — you can access it from both Adventureland and Frontierland — the Adventureland Breezeway Restrooms are ideal. You can pop in there before getting your Dole Whip fix or when you know you’ve got a long wait for Jungle Cruise ahead of you. And if you’re passing through Frontierland, these restrooms also conveniently open to that land, too.

Of course, the best restroom is the one you need when you really need it. Click here to visit Disney World’s interactive map of restrooms! And be sure to have My Disney Experience loaded on your phone. You can use it to search for the nearest restrooms anywhere you are in the World — and you can get walking directions to get you there.

And here’s a list of Walt Disney World’s companion restrooms in case you want to make a note of those, too.

Best (Non-Attraction) Places to Chill Out

If the Florida heat has got the best of you, you’ll need to act fast to find some relief. We’ll cover the best attractions for cooling off in the next section, but for now, let’s talk about some non-attractions places to chill out.

Cheshire Cafe on the edge of Fantasyland offers both tables with umbrellas and a small, covered seating area. This is a convenient spot to pause and get out of the sun (and munch on a Cheshire Cat Tail or two or three). It may be busy in this location, but if you can’t find a table, you’ll likely be able to find some shade if you don’t mind standing.

One of our favorite spots to chill out is inside Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Cafe. Here you can get a cup of ice water and a snack, find a seat, and enjoy the out-of-this-world tunes from Sonny Eclipse. (Note that Cosmic Ray’s has Mobile Order, so if you want to turn this chill session into a meal session, it’s quick and easy to do that!)

If your kids need a break to get out some energy (hey, it happens!) and if you don’t mind them getting a smidge wet, head deep into ‘new’ Fantasyland for the Casey Jr. Splash ‘N’ Soak Station. Here little ones can splash, get soaked, and have some fun. There’s not much shade here for the grown ups, though, so keep that in mind. Also note: there’s a restroom conveniently located adjacent to the Soak Station so if you’ve got a change of clothes for your dripping kiddo, you can handle that there.

Not far from the Casey Jr. Splash ‘N’ Soak Station is Big Top Souvenirs. Here you’ll find a blast of icy AC as well as shopping and snacks. Need a Goofy’s Glacier or a caramel apple? You can get both here along with just about any of the classic sweet treats you might need to get through the rest of your day.

Finally, we like to take our time exploring inside Pinocchio Village Haus, where you’ll find air conditioning, simple eats (like a pepperoni flatbread or some breadsticks and tomato basil soup), and lots of Pinocchio-inspired murals! It’s a chill zone — but also an art walk. Disney World is culture, kids!

Package Pick-Up/Delivery

If your kids are shopping ’til you think you’ll drop, you don’t have to worry about lugging around their magical treasure. Magic Kingdom offers Package Pick-Up and Package Delivery (if you’re staying on-site and have more than 24 hours left in your stay).

Merchandise locations can package and transport your purchased items to the Package Pick-Up, which is located in the Chamber of Commerce on Main Street. (The Chamber of Commerce is located to your left as you pass under the Walt Disney World Railroad Station.) You’ll pick up your packages on your way out of the Park and carry them back to wherever you head next (Resort, hotel, house rental, airport, etc.).

If you want to avoid carrying them back to your Disney Resort, you can opt to have your purchases delivered to your Resort. You’ll still need to pick them up when you get back to your Resort, but it saves you a lot of schlepping. Note that you need to have more than 24 hours left on your stay to use delivery to your Resort.

Guide to Magic Kingdom Attractions

Here we’re going to share insights, information, and tips for navigating and enjoying Magic Kingdom’s attractions with kids.

Ride Closures and Refurbishments

One variable you’ll want to keep in mind when you’re planning your Walt Disney World vacation is the ride closures and refurbishments. Luckily, we have a filter-able database for that! Click here to check out the page. You can search by Park and by date, and this info can change at any time (thanks, Disney!), so check back frequently as you’re planning your trips!

Ride Heights and Safety Information

We’ve collected information about ride height and safety information for each of the parks (theme and water) at Walt Disney World. Click here to review this information.

If you’re looking for tips on the best rides without height requirements, click here!

And if you know your kiddo’s height, we’ve arranged Walt Disney World height requirements by size here!

Best Attractions with Short Waits

Despite your meticulous planning, you’re still going to have to wait in some lines for attractions at some point. We’ve got tips on the best attractions that tend to have shorter waits (relatively speaking). Click here to check those out!

Best Attraction Queues

And while we’re talking about (sometimes long) waits in line, we’ve also highlighted the best attraction queues here. One of our favorites: Peter Pan’s Flight, which got a terrific update in 2014.

Best Places (on Attractions) to Chill Out

That Florida heat has gotten to you again, and it’s time to chill out — this time on or in an attraction! Mickey’s Philharmagic in Fantasyland is a great place to cool downandtake a load off your aching feet!

Love yourself some classic singing avians? Head over to Adventureland for Walt Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room. Bonus here: you can bring your Dole Whip from Aloha Isle right into the theater with you!

If your kids are comfortable with dark rides, Pirates of the Caribbean and Haunted Mansion also let you experience some thrills and some chills (thanks to intense AC!).

Single Rider Lines at Walt Disney World

Unfortunately, Magic Kingdom has no single rider lines.

Where to Meet Characters at Magic Kingdom

If your kids are excited to meet some of their favorite characters in real life, Magic Kingdom is a great place to do it! We’ve assembled a list of characters who have regular and sporadic meet-and-greets in the Park. Click here to find out where to meet your favorites!

For answers to Frequently Asked Questions about character meet-and-greets at Walt Disney World, click here!

Parade Tips

If you’re hoping to expose your kids to the wonder that is a parade right down the middle of Main Street (or elsewhere in the Park), you’ll want to plan ahead just a bit. If you want to be sure your kids have a front row seat for the action, you want to stake out a spot at least 30-45 minutes before the parade starts. Have your kids sit or stand right at the marked line so that no one tries to squeeze in front of them (it happens!).

Since you’ll be waiting a bit, prepare to ply your children with snacks or activities. One of our favorite places to view the parade is actually near Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn & Cafe in Frontierland. We use Mobile Order to get a snack or a portable lunch and use the wait time to get in some nutrition.

Another tip: the parade originates in Frontierland, so if you watch from there, you’ll be among the first to see theendof the parade. Why does this matter? You can scurry off to the next attraction while loads of other guests are still lined up on Main Street, and that means: potentially shorter wait times!

Brush up on even more planning tips at the links below!

Early Theme Park Entry
Walt Disney World Transportation
Magic Kingdom Dining and Menus
Magic Kingdom Attractions — Full List
Magic Kingdom Overview

AllEars Parents’ Guide to Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom with Kids (2024)
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