15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (2024)

Table of Contents
"My bike was stolen today. I don't know who the bigger idiot was." Who Is The Idiot? "Seems like there's a missed opportunity here..." "This idiot ignoring two effective solutions to his problem." Read The Room "You know you're at work too late when this pops up on your screen..." "My six-year-old son showing his creative skills making a kitchen sink." "My brother is an idiot." "Now I know my ABCs, I'll write them on our SUV." "Landlord turned down the heat in my MN apartment as it reached -40°. But he pays my electric and doesn't realize that I value my comfort over safety." "I clearly work with a bunch of idiots." This Is An Advert For A University! "Happy Easter everyone!" "I finally found my long lost Mitch Hedberg autograph. For those unable to decipher it, it says 'F*ck you now I'm late'." "I guess the breakroom has been on the warm side lately." "Washed my favourite jumper." "Well, I'm a drunk idiot." "This idiot got himself stuck today." Never Be Afraid To Take Risks! "Stupid maths exam question, with a great answer." "That makes her look stupider than he does." "My wife thinks I'm stupid too. "Iceland does not want to deal with your stupidity - and I think that's beautiful." "I'm almost 40, somewhat worldly, and don't consider myself stupid. Yet this giraffe sticker the cashier gave my daughter hurts my brain." "That's what you get for parking like an idiot!" "Stupid cop, poor squirrel." Oh, You Fool! "Found near my apartment." "I found a black widow spider in my shower puff this morning." "Fighting an ant infestation in my kitchen the last couple days. Didn't think to check my cereal box. Realized the small brown things are ants 6-8 bites in." "I got my dad a Christmas sweater. Didn't notice the 2nd carrot until the family photo." Two people accidentally taking pictures of each other and uploading them to the same site on the same day. The placement of that truck is impeccable. "My uncles made a mistake installing a new rain gutter." This is an explosion waiting to happen. "The mug was actually a happy accident." "My mom says she didn't notice until she got the pictures." Someone got a little too big for their britches. "The most accident prone street in America." Disclaimer. "That moment when you get home, open the bag, and realize." Mistakes were likely made. "My friend asked off work, manager accidentally created a new holiday." "Woman ends up in hospital after mistaking builders expanding foam for hair mousse." "They didn't even notice each other."
15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (1)


Paddy Clarke Updated September 8, 2021

There are some people out there who dedicate their lives to understanding more about the word and the way it works. Scientists, philosophers, and so many others devote their time to broadening their understanding of, and in turn our understanding, of the world and of human experience. However, there are also people out there who simply don't have a Scooby Doo.

So, I hope you enjoy if that is the right word, these 15+ times that people didn't have a clue!

"My bike was stolen today. I don't know who the bigger idiot was."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (3)

Reddit | chenchiladas

In fairness, it took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize that they had left the combination numbers on it. And, I imagine that as a thief, you would assume that no one would be so stupid?

Who Is The Idiot?

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (4)

Reddit | LebowskiDude

I'd have to go at that with a bit of TipEx. Actually, it might be better if it's left like that so everyone really knows who the idiot is.

"Seems like there's a missed opportunity here..."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (5)

Reddit | Aahzimandias

Maybe they sold all of their neon signs and didn't have any left for themselves? Either that or this place is run by people thicker than the Kardashian's skulls.

"This idiot ignoring two effective solutions to his problem."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (6)

Reddit | pullara

I would expect nothing less from someone who wears their hat and sunglasses like this. They're playing right into the stereotype.

Read The Room

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (7)

Reddit | iamnotanasian

Well, you know, opening ring pull cans can be very difficult! I mean, it's not like the answer is right in front of you or anything.

"You know you're at work too late when this pops up on your screen..."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (8)

Reddit | nagsy

Wow, this company needs to give their workers more notice than 24 seconds! What if they're in the middle of something and they lose all of their progress? Then they're just going to have to stay late tomorrow!

"My six-year-old son showing his creative skills making a kitchen sink."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (9)

Reddit | pingomg

This kid really threw the kitchen sink at this model!

See what I did there?

"My brother is an idiot."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (10)

Reddit | Monster-_-

I mean, there is nothing wrong with trying to find creative solutions to complicated problems. And I guess that "complicated" is a relative term for some.

"Now I know my ABCs, I'll write them on our SUV."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (11)

Reddit | unneekway

Look, they might have ruined your car... but, they ruined it in an educational way! That has to count for something surely!

"Landlord turned down the heat in my MN apartment as it reached -40°. But he pays my electric and doesn't realize that I value my comfort over safety."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (12)

Reddit | JohannReddit

Just wait until that landlord gets that electricity bill! As horrifically inefficient and dangerous as this is, it's quite refreshing to see someone outfox a landlord for once!

"I clearly work with a bunch of idiots."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (13)

Reddit | palmerry

If you're working with people who are putting peanut butter on toast in the toaster, then management has bigger problems than the condition of the toaster's coils.

This Is An Advert For A University!

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (14)

Reddit | drsgtpepper

See, it's not just everyday idiots that make simple grammatical errors, but educational institutions as well! Hooray!

"Happy Easter everyone!"

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (15)


In this instance, I am the person who doesn't have a clue. I have literally no idea what is happening in this picture but I hate it so much.

"I finally found my long lost Mitch Hedberg autograph. For those unable to decipher it, it says 'F*ck you now I'm late'."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (16)

Reddit | camshaftcarb

I imagine that this is how most celebrities feel about stopping to sign autographs. And I for one like to know that I am inconveniencing those damn celebrities, even more so since that god awful Imagine cover.

"I guess the breakroom has been on the warm side lately."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (17)

Reddit | allegedly_grapes

I hate it when people turn the heating up too high I have become that stereotypical belligerent old man who constantly checks what the thermostat is on.

"Washed my favourite jumper."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (18)

Reddit | KarenFromAccounts

Jesus And The Mary Chain! How hot did you do that wash? I guess now you could always sell it on to a child... albeit a child with really long arms.

"Well, I'm a drunk idiot."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (19)

Reddit | jeebasaurusREX

I think a lot of us will resonate with this one. I despair at the thought of how much I have spent on food when I'm drunk at this point.

"This idiot got himself stuck today."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (20)

Reddit | ausfez

How did they even manage to get in there? I mean, I know that cats do not abide by the laws of physics but this is something else.

Never Be Afraid To Take Risks!

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (21)

Reddit | Alex_the_White

"Come on someone must have at least one idea?"

"What about a tornado filled with sharks, has that been done?"

"...Anna, you're a goddamn genius! get this woman a raise!"

"Stupid maths exam question, with a great answer."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (22)


This is a complete cluster of mistakes on all fronts. What is the timescale for buying the books? You know what, I don't have to think about these sorts of things anymore as I'm not in school, so let's move on.

"That makes her look stupider than he does."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (23)

Reddit | Dylan7225

No one who is being "punished" should be smiling that much. Also, hot damn, you need to punish him for wearing those damn white loafers with boot cut jeans as well!

"My wife thinks I'm stupid too.

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (24)

Reddit | bmwhd

The person who posted this reluctantly admitted that they did, in fact, require this sort of help when getting dressed. They went on to write, "I tend to err on comfort vs. style." And, I can understand that.

"Iceland does not want to deal with your stupidity - and I think that's beautiful."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (25)

Reddit | Joe_Vanelli

I can't help getting the image of a geyser just spitting a coin back at someone who threw it in then flipping them the bird in a plume of smoke. But that may be because I live in a cartoon.

"I'm almost 40, somewhat worldly, and don't consider myself stupid. Yet this giraffe sticker the cashier gave my daughter hurts my brain."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (26)

Reddit | zleuth

To me that giraffe just looks really drunk! However, one person explained, "What it looks like actually happened was when the image was designed, the head and neck were drawn in separate layers, and must have accidentally had the neck layer placed above the head layer".

"That's what you get for parking like an idiot!"

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (27)

Reddit | NerdyNae

This guy had absolutely no idea how screwed he was going to be when he was parking in that spot. Justice has been served.

"Stupid cop, poor squirrel."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (28)

Reddit | stoksyxl

Well, if it hadn't been hit by a car before, it has now. Also, I think if a squirrel has been hit by a car, you can also call it "sick", 'cause it sure as hell ain't well.

Oh, You Fool!

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (29)

Reddit | DustinC223

I feel like you could write anything on that box and they would still get in, they don't care what you think! Also, they can't read which helps.

"Found near my apartment."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (30)


"It's unbelievable that I managed to find a bike so similar to the one that I had stolen isn't it!?"

"Yep, completely unbelievable..."

"I found a black widow spider in my shower puff this morning."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (31)

Reddit | u/southbound2016

I don't know if that is a black widow; however, the idea of any spider being that close to my head is making me feel very uneasy.

"Fighting an ant infestation in my kitchen the last couple days. Didn't think to check my cereal box. Realized the small brown things are ants 6-8 bites in."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (32)

Reddit | bringbackflipphones

How do you not look into the bowl that you're eating from even once before this point?

"I got my dad a Christmas sweater. Didn't notice the 2nd carrot until the family photo."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (33)

Reddit | LtMai22

Something tells me he noticed way sooner, but still loved the sweater enough to wear it.

Two people accidentally taking pictures of each other and uploading them to the same site on the same day.

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (34)

Reddit | throwbotono

In case you needed a reminder that it really is a small world.

The placement of that truck is impeccable.

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (35)

Reddit | poedamneron

Are you, like, super sure about that? Are you certain it's not a problem?

"My uncles made a mistake installing a new rain gutter."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (36)

Reddit | bobward

This is kind of like 'measure twice, cut once' but instead it's 'be aware of your surroundings even once, please'.

This is an explosion waiting to happen.

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (37)

Reddit | bazookafox

If the store didn't want a mess to happen, they should maybe have reorganized their shelves.

"The mug was actually a happy accident."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (38)

Reddit | bebarce

This Darth Vader looks a little reformed actually. He's got a job, seems involved in his son's life in a positive way, good for him!

"My mom says she didn't notice until she got the pictures."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (39)

Reddit | advictorium5

Uh-huh, I'm sure it was an oversight, like every mom wouldn't secretly want a photo of their baby giving the finger.

Someone got a little too big for their britches.

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (40)

Reddit | amnesiac854

At least he tried something new! Sure he looks terrified and will never want to be two feet above the ground again but...he tried!

"The most accident prone street in America."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (41)

Reddit | Darkraze

So which came first, the saying or the street?


15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (42)

Reddit | HiTripp

They could change the restaurant name and pay for all the rebranding, but why do that when you could just own it?

"That moment when you get home, open the bag, and realize."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (43)

Reddit | Jar_Lar

Staples must know their name is confusing and still package stuff like this, waiting for helpless victims to have to come back and buy more.

Mistakes were likely made.

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (44)

Reddit | Love2go

I'm hoping the taste would tip you off and you'd realize right away. Hoping is the key word.

"My friend asked off work, manager accidentally created a new holiday."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (45)

Reddit | magicman1333

To think the two-letter addition of 'is' would solve this problem immediately.

"Woman ends up in hospital after mistaking builders expanding foam for hair mousse."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (46)

Reddit | ReadyPlayer851

I gotta ask, why do you keep your hair mousse and expanding foam in the same place?

"They didn't even notice each other."

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (47)

Reddit | dookietears

Maybe this is a sign that fashion should start evolving a little bit again.

15+ Times People Didn’t Have A Clue (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.