Sehat Card – Northwest General Hospital & Research Centre (2024)

Sehat Card

Sehat Card – Northwest General Hospital & Research Centre (1)

North West General Hospital & Research Center believes in providing quality healthcare to everyone in need. In light of this, we have joined hands with the Government of KP to provide specific medical facilities to the residents of KP under the Sehat Card initiative of the Government of KP.

All domiciled citizens across the KP can now get access to medical health care in a swift and dignified manner without any financial obligations under the Sehat Insaf Card Program that can be used for treatment of any disease that requires the patient’s admission in the hospital.

A family can use up to Rs.1,000,000 for health care services at any participating Hospital. Families can benefit from the card till the cash limit is available. Additional financial limits are allocated in life threatening conditions and in the case of maternity, as decided by State Life Insurance, the underwriter of the Sehat Card facilities. Financial limits of each beneficiary are refreshed to full amount after the completion of one year.

Sehat Card Procedures in NWTH

  • CT – Contrast
  • CT – Plain
  • MRI (Contrast)
  • MRI (Plain)
  • Covid-19 treatment
  • Aural polypectomy
  • Ear lobe repair – single
  • Excision of Pinna for growth Large – Squamous/Basal/injuries (Including Biopsy)
  • Excision of Pinna for growth Small – Squamous/Basal/injuries (Including Biopsy)
  • Mastoidectomy – Closed Canal
  • Mastoidectomy – Open Canal
  • Myringoplasty
  • Myringoplasty withOssiculoplasty
  • Myringotomy – Bilateral
  • Myringotomy – Unilateral
  • Preauricular sinus
  • Total Amputation & Excision of External Auditory Meatus
  • Total amputation of Pinna
  • Tympanoplasty
  • Axillarylymphnode– Excision (With Biopsy)
  • ParotidTumour– Excision
  • Thyroidectomy – Hemi
  • Thyroidectomy – Total
  • Abscess drainage under General Anesthesia (GA)
  • Abscess drainage under General Anesthesia (GA)
  • Abscess drainage under Local Anesthesia (LA)
  • Anterior Resection for CA
  • Appendicectomy
  • Appendicectomy + Appendicular Abscess
  • Appendicectomy + Appendicular Perforation
  • Arteriovenous (AV) Malformation of Soft TissueTumour– Excision
  • Aspiration ofEmpymema
  • Branchial Fistula
  • Breast Lump – Excision – Bilateral
  • Breast Lump – Excision – Unilateral
  • Burst Abdomen Obstruction
  • Caecopexy
  • Carbuncle back
  • Chest Intubation underWaterseal
  • Cholecystectomy (Open)
  • Cholecystectomy (Open) & Exploration of CBD
  • Coloectomy– Total
  • Colostomy
  • Colostomy Reversal
  • Corn – Large – Excision
  • Cyst over Scrotum – Excision
  • Cystic Mass – Excision Abdominal
  • Dermoid Cyst – Large – Excision
  • Dermoid Cyst – Small – Excision
  • Diverticulectomy
  • Dorsal Slit and Reduction of Paraphimosis
  • Drainage of Ischio Rectal Abscess
  • Drainage of Psoas Abscess
  • Drainage of Subdiaphragmatic Abscess
  • Duodenal Jejunostomy
  • Endoscopic band ligation
  • Epididymal Cyst
  • Epididymal Swelling -Excision
  • Epididymectomy
  • Evacuation of Scrotal Hematoma
  • Excision Benign Tumor – Gastrointestinal tract (with Biopsy)
  • Excision Mammary Fistula
  • Excision Meckel’s Diverticulum
  • Excision Pilonidal Sinus (Karydikays procedure)
  • Excision of Neurofibroma
  • Excision of Sebaceous Cysts
  • Exploratory Laparotomy
  • Fibroadenoma – Bilateral (With Biopsy)
  • Fibroadenoma – Unilateral (With Biopsy)
  • Fibroma – Excision
  • Fissurectomy
  • Fissurectomy and Haemorrhoidectomy
  • Fissurectomy with Eversion of Sac – Bilateral
  • Fissurectomy with Sphincterotomy
  • Fistulectomy (Peri Anal)
  • Foreign Body Removal in Deep Region – Deep pelvious / perineum (under GA)
  • Foreign Body in Fascia
  • Ganglion – Small – Excision
  • Ganglion – large – Excision
  • Gastric Perforation
  • Gastrojejunostomy CA
  • Gastrotomy
  • Graham’s Operation
  • Granuloma – Excision
  • Haemangioma – Excision
  • Haemorrhoidectomy
  • Haemorrhoidectomy + Fistulectomy
  • Hernia – Epigastric
  • Hernia – Femoral
  • Hernia – Incisional
  • Hernia – Repair & release of obstruction
  • Hernia – Umbilical
  • Hernioplasty (mesh repair)
  • Herniorraphy and Hydrocelectomy Sac Excision
  • Hydatid Cyst of Liver
  • Hydrocele – Excision
  • Hydrocelectomy + Orchidectomy
  • Hydrocelectomy+ Hernioplasty (With Mesh)
  • Incision & Drainage – Major (GA)
  • Incision & Drainage – Minor (LA)
  • Instestinal perforation
  • Intestinal Obstruction
  • Intestinal Perforation (Resection Anastomosis)
  • Intussusception
  • Lap. Cholecystectomy & CBD exploration
  • Lap. For intestinal obstruction
  • Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis
  • Laparoscopic Appendicectomy
  • Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
  • Laparotomy
  • Lipoma
  • Liver Abscess Drainage – Needle Aspiration
  • Liver Abscess Drainage – Open
  • Lymphnode – Excision with Biopsy
  • Mastectomy / (Complete Breast Excision)
  • Mesenteric Cyst – Excision
  • Oeshophagoscopy for foreign body removal
  • Orchidectomy + Herniorraphy
  • Orchidectomy – Unilateral
  • Orchidopexy
  • Orchidopexy With Eversion of Sac
  • Orchidopexy with Circ*msion
  • Orchidopexy with Herniotomy
  • Papilloma Rectum – Excision
  • Partial/Subtotal Gastrectomy for Carcinoma
  • Pelvic Abscess – Open Drainage
  • Radical Mastectomy
  • Rectal Benign Tumour (Incl. Histopath)
  • Rectal Dilation
  • Rectal polyp
  • Reversal of Ileostomy
  • Rubber band ligation – Hemorrhoid
  • Segmental Resection of Breast
  • Sigmoid Diverticulum
  • Soft Tissue Tumor – Excision (WIth Biopsy)
  • Splenectomy
  • Suturing of wounds with local anesthesia
  • Thorachostomy (Under Water Seal)
  • Tube Thoracostomy
  • Umbilical Sinus – Excision
  • Urtheral Dilatation
  • Varicose Veins – Excision and Ligation
  • Volvlous of Large Bowel
  • Bartholin abscess I & D
  • Bartholin cyst removal
  • Cervical Cerclage
  • Cervical Polypectomy
  • Cesarean Hysterectomy
  • Cesarean delivery
  • Cyst – Labial
  • Cystocele – Anterior repair
  • D&C( Dilatation&curretage)upto8wks
  • D&C( dilatation&Curretage)upto12wks
  • E&C
  • Hysterectomy – vagin*l
  • Hysterectomy – abdominal
  • Laparotomy -failed laproscopy to explore
  • Laparotomy for ectopic repture
  • Low Forceps
  • Manual removel of Plecenta
  • Myomectomy – Abdominal (including Biopsy)
  • Normal Delivery
  • Normal delivery with episiosty and P repair
  • Ovarectomy/Oophrectomy
  • Ovarian Cystectomy
  • Repair of post coital tear, perineal injury
  • Rupture Uterus , closer and repoar with tubal ligation
  • Salphingo-oophorectomy
  • Termination of Pregnancy More than 24 weeks
  • AFI (Acute febrile illness)
  • Acute Asthmatic Attack
  • Acute Cholecystitis
  • Acute Gastritis
  • Acute Gastroentritis
  • Acute Suppurative Otitis Media
  • Acute Viral Hepatitis
  • Acute and chronic meningitis
  • Acute and chronic pancreatitis
  • Acute and subacute endocarditis
  • Acute bronchitis
  • Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
  • Acute organophosphorus poisoning
  • Acute renal failure
  • Acute/ Chronic diarrohea
  • Acutre excaberation of COPD
  • Amoebiasis
  • Amyloidosis
  • Anhydramnios Pregnancy
  • Appendicitis
  • Arthritis
  • Ascites Workup
  • Biliary Colic / Choledocholithiasis
  • Birth Asphysia
  • Bronchiatasis
  • CKD Conservative Rx
  • Cardiac Care Unit (CCU)
  • Celiac Disease
  • Cellulitis
  • Cerebral infarction (Ischaemic/hemorrhagic stroke)
  • Cervical Spondylosis
  • Cholangitis
  • Chronic Liver Disease (CLD)
  • Chronic viral hepatitis
  • Complications of Cerebral Palsy
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis)
  • Dengue fever [classical dengue]
  • Dengue haemorrhagic fever
  • Diabetic Complication
  • Diabetic ketoacidosis
  • Drug Reaction
  • Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB)
  • Eclampsia
  • Emphysema
  • Enteric Fever (Typhiod)
  • Epididymitis / Epididymo-orchitis
  • Esophagitis
  • GBS (Guillian Barre Syndrome)
  • Gestational Diabetes
  • Gestational [pregnancy-induced] hypertension with significant proteinuria
  • Gestational [pregnancy-induced] hypertension without significant proteinuria
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Gullian bar syndrome
  • HIV with complications
  • Head Injury
  • Heart Failure
  • Heat stroke
  • Hepatic Encephalopathy
  • High Dependency Units (HDU)
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Hyperosmolar Non-Ketotic coma
  • Hypertension Emergencies
  • Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis
  • Hypothyroidism Severe / Myxedema
  • Intensive Care Unit – ICU
  • Intestinal Obstruction
  • Intracerebral haemorrhage
  • Ischemic Heart Disease
  • Liver abscess
  • Lung abscess/ Empyema
  • Malabsorption syndrome
  • Malaria (severe/cerebral)
  • Mesenteric Lymphadenitis
  • Metabolic Encephalopathy
  • Neo Natal Care (Birth Complications exchange NEC)
  • Neonatal jaundice due to other excessive haemolysis
  • Neonatal jaundice from other and unspecified causes
  • Nephrotic syndrome
  • Obstructive Jaundice
  • Other bacterial foodborne intoxications, not elsewhere classified
  • Other bacterial intestinal infections
  • Pancytopenia Workup
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  • Peptic Ulcer Disease
  • Pericardial/ Pleural tuberculosis
  • Peripheral Vascular Disease
  • Plasmapheresis (pre-auth)
  • Plasmodium Vivax malaria
  • Plasmodium falciparum malaria
  • Pleural Effusion Workup
  • Pneumonia / LRTI
  • Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae
  • Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae
  • Pneumothorax
  • Pulmonary Embolism
  • Pyrexia of unknown origin
  • Renal colic
  • Renal encephalopathy
  • Respiratory failure due to any cause (pneumonia, asthma, COPD, ARDS, foreign body, poisoning, head injury etc.) SPO2 < 70
  • Respiratory tuberculosis, bacteriologically and histologically confirmed
  • Rheumatic Heart Disease
  • Seizures
  • Septic Wound Infection
  • Severe anemia HB < 6.0
  • Severe sepsis/Septic shock
  • Sheehan Syndrome Conservative Rx
  • Sickle cell Anemia
  • Simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis
  • Snake bite
  • Subarachnoid haemorrhage
  • Systematic lupus erythematosus
  • Tetanus
  • Traumatic Optic Neuropathy
  • Type 1/2 respiratory failure SPO2<70
  • UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
  • Uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus (Greater 300)
  • Upper GI bleeding (conservative)
  • Urosepsis
  • Vasculitis
  • Ventilator
  • Viral encephalitis
  • Visceral leishmaniasis
  • Workup For Malignancy
  • Workup for Splenomegaly
  • Dialysis
  • Antrostomy Bilateral
  • Antrostomy Unilateral
  • Fracture reduction nose with septal correction
  • Functional Endoscopic Sinus (FESS)
  • Intra Nasal Ethmoidectomy
  • Lateral Rhinotomy
  • Nasal Cautery
  • Nasal polypectomy
  • Radicalfrontoethmosphenodectomy
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Rhinorrhoea– Repair
  • Septo-rhinoplasty
  • Septoplasty
  • SinusAntroscopy
  • Submucosresection
  • Trans Antral Ethmoidectomy
  • Turbinectomy Partial – Bilateral
  • Turbinectomy Partial – Unilateral
  • Bilateral Laproscopic Pyelolithotomy
  • Bladder Diverticulectomy (Transurethral Fulguration)
  • Bladder Tumour (Fulgration)
  • Correction of Extrophy of Bladder
  • Cysto-Urethroscopy and proceed
  • Cystolitholapaxy
  • Cystoscopy with Bilateral DJ Stent
  • Cystoscopy with Unilateral DJ Stent
  • Drainage of Perinepheric Abscess
  • Excision of Renal Cyst
  • Exploration of Epididymus (Unsuccesful Vasco vasectomy)
  • Hypospadias Repair
  • Litholapexy
  • Lithotripsy(21600)F.UP:5755
  • Lithotripsy with DJ Stenting
  • Meatoplasty
  • Nephrectomy
  • Nephro Uretrectomy
  • Nephrostomy (Percutaneous)
  • Open Nephrostomy with Tube
  • Operation for Injury of Bladder
  • PCNL (Percutaneous nephro lithotomy)
  • Partial Cystectomy
  • Partial Nephrectomy
  • Post Urethral Valve
  • Pyelolithotomy
  • Pyeloplasty
  • Radical Nephrectomy
  • Reimplanation of Urethra
  • Reimplantation of Ureter
  • Repair of Tunica Albuginea
  • Repair of Uretero vagin*l Fistula
  • Repair of Ureterocele
  • Retrograde IntraRenal Surgery (RIRS) – Tumour
  • Retropubic Prostatectomy
  • Spleno Renal Anastomosis
  • Suprapubic Cystostomy – Open
  • Suprapubic Drainage – Closed
  • TURBT (Transurethral Resection of the Bladder Tumor) with Histopathology
  • TURP
  • TURP (Trans-Urethral Resection of Prostate)
  • Torsion Testis
  • Trans Vesical Prostatectomy
  • URS (Ureteroscopic stone Removal)
  • URS Extraction of Stone Ureter – Bilateral
  • URS with DJ Stenting With ESWL
  • Urachal Cyst
  • Ureteral Stents Removal
  • Ureteric Catheterization – Cystoscopy
  • Uretero Colic Anastomosis
  • Ureterolithotomy
  • Ureteroscopy Urethroplasty
  • Urethral Dilatation
  • Uretrostomy (Cutanie)
  • V V F Repair
  • VIU (Visual Internal Urethrotomy )
  • VIU for Stricture Urethra
  • Varicocele
  • Vesico Uretero Reflux – Unilateral
  • Vesico uretero Reflux – Bilateral
  • Vesicolithotomy
  • Adeno Tonsillectomy
  • Adenoidectomy
  • Excision of Branchial Cyst
  • Excision of Branchial Sinus
  • Excision of Keloid Neck
  • Palatopharyngoplasty
  • Parotidectomy – Radical Total
  • Parotidectomy – Superficial
  • Pharyngeal diverticulum’s Excision
  • Ranula excision
  • Release of Tongue tie
  • Removal of Submandibular Salivary gland
  • Retro pharyngeal abscess – Drainage
  • Thyroglossal Cyst – Excision
  • Tonsillectomy + Myrinogotomy
  • Tonsillectomy + Styloidectomy
  • Tonsillectomy – Bilateral
  • Tonsillectomy – Unilateral
  • Total Parotidectomy
  • Tracheostomy Under LA

Sehat Card Procedures in NWGH

  • Angioplasty with single stent (Drug eluted)
  • Angioplasty with three stent (Drug eluted)
  • Angioplasty with two stent (Drug eluted)
  • Coro Angiography with all inclusive
  • Permanent Pace Maker – PPM VVIR (Single Chamber)
  • T.P.M
  • Colonoscopy
  • Colonoscopy With Banding
  • ERCP
  • Esophageal Sclerotheraphy for varies (GI endoscopy with Banding)
  • Upper GI endoscopy
  • Upper GI endoscopy with biopsy
  • Perma cath
  • Abscess Drainage of Lid
  • Canaliculo Dacryocysto Rhinostomy (CDR)
  • Capsulotomy
  • Cataract (Unilateral)
  • Cataract with IOL Phacoemulsification – Unilateral
  • Cauterisation of ulcer/subconjuctival injection – One eye
  • Chalazion – one eye
  • Conjuntival Melanoma
  • Corneal Perforation (Major)
  • Corneal Perforation (Minor)
  • Cyst
  • DCR (Dacryocystorhinostomy)
  • Dacryocystectomy
  • Dacryocystectomy (DCY)
  • Ectropion Correction
  • Entropion correction
  • Enucleation (with implant)
  • Enucleation without implant
  • Enuleation with Implant
  • Epicantuhus correction (Trauma Only)
  • Eviseration (With Impant)
  • Exentration (With Implant)
  • IRIS Prolapse – Repair
  • Intraocular Foreign Body Removal (Penetrated to Anterior Chamber)
  • Intraocular Foreign Body Removal (Penetrated to Posterior Chamber)
  • Lensectomy
  • Lid tear
  • Limbal Dermoid Removal
  • Perforating corneo – Scleral Injury
  • Pterygium (Day care)
  • Pterygium + Conjunctival Autograft
  • Ptosis (Sling Procedure)
  • Ptosis Internal Procedure
  • Small Tumour of Lid – Excision
  • Squint correction
  • Vitrectomy
  • Micro disectomy
  • Bronchoscopy (Diagnostic)
Sehat Card – Northwest General Hospital & Research Centre (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.