History for Recap/DoctorWhoS40E473Yards - TV Tropes (2024)

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Changed line(s) 46 (click to see context) from:

** Snow -- appearing twice this time; once while Ruby walks away from the Tardis to try and reach the town (it's [[MaybeMagicMaybeMundane unclear whether Ruby causes this or not]]) and the second time after [[IHaveNoSon Carla disowns Ruby]], while Ruby sits outside the apartment door. Forty years later, Ruby mentions that "it never snowed again" following the events of the episode.


** Snow -- appearing twice this time; once while Ruby walks away from the Tardis to try and reach the town (it's [[MaybeMagicMaybeMundane unclear whether Ruby causes this or not]]) and the second time after [[IHaveNoSon Carla disowns Ruby]], while Ruby sits outside the apartment door. Forty years later, Ruby mentions that "it never snowed again" following the events of the episode.

Changed line(s) 49,51 (click to see context) from:

** When Ruby asks if she can pay with her phone since she doesn't have any cash, the barmaid questions it as though it's a foregin concept to her, forcing Ruby to try to explain it... right before she pulls up a scanner and irritatedly states ''of course'' Ruby can pay with her phone.
** Then, Ruby mentions breaking the fairy circle and they all begin to act creepily and freak out when someone starts pounding on the door until Ruby screws up the courage to open it... and it's a delivery man trying to get someone to let him in because his arms are full. Cue group laughter at Ruby's expense.
* BreakTheCutie: Poor, poor Ruby really gets put through hell in this one. It even feels somewhat like a companion's equivalent of "[[Recap/DoctorWhoS35E11HeavenSent Heaven Sent]]" with bits of "[[Recap/DoctorWhoS32E10TheGirlWhoWaited The Girl Who Waited]]" and "[[Recap/DoctorWhoS30E11TurnLeft Turn Left]]" sprinkled in.


** When Ruby asks if she can pay with her phone since she doesn't have any cash, the barmaid questions it as though it's a foregin concept to her, forcing Ruby to try to explain it... right before she pulls up a scanner and irritatedly states ''of course'' Ruby can pay with her phone.
** Then, Ruby mentions breaking the fairy circle and they all begin to act creepily and freak out when someone starts pounding on the door until Ruby screws up the courage to open it... and it's a delivery man trying to get someone to let him in because his arms are full. Cue group laughter at Ruby's expense.
* BreakTheCutie: Poor, poor Ruby really gets put through hell in this one. It even feels somewhat like a companion's equivalent of "[[Recap/DoctorWhoS35E11HeavenSent Heaven Sent]]" with bits of "[[Recap/DoctorWhoS32E10TheGirlWhoWaited The Girl Who Waited]]" and "[[Recap/DoctorWhoS30E11TurnLeft Turn Left]]" sprinkled in.

Changed line(s) 62 (click to see context) from:

* {{Foreshadowing}}: Ruby tells Kate that she tried positioning the woman in front of a police car to see what would happen. This shows that Ruby has some control on where the woman is standing, something she uses against Roger Ap Gwilliam later in the episode.


* {{Foreshadowing}}: Ruby tells Kate that she tried positioning the woman in front of a police car to see what would happen. This shows that Ruby has some control on where the woman is standing, something she uses against Roger Ap Gwilliam later in the episode.

* GreatOffscreenWar: Apparently there was a "Great Russian War" in the 2030s that did not go nuclear, with "not a single rocket fired", implying either that the war was conventional and that NATO and Russia played it safe and chose not to use nuclear weapons, or that the war involved cyberwarfare and other methods of making war.


* GreatOffscreenWar: Apparently there was a "Great Russian War" in the 2030s that did not go nuclear, with "not a single rocket fired", implying either that the war was conventional and that NATO and Russia played it safe and chose not to use nuclear weapons, or that the war involved cyberwarfare and other methods of making war.

Changed line(s) 67 (click to see context) from:

* HumansAreTheRealMonsters: Ruby's main foe this episode isn't the ominous figure that follows and makes everyone (including her own mother and the usually incorruptible Kate Stewart along with all of UNIT) abandon her; it's Roger ap Gilliam -- a nationalistic young man from Wales who wants nothing more than to get power and do ''as much damage as possible'' with it.


* HumansAreTheRealMonsters: Ruby's main foe this episode isn't the ominous figure that follows and makes everyone (including her own mother and the usually incorruptible Kate Stewart along with all of UNIT) abandon her; it's Roger ap Gilliam -- a nationalistic young man from Wales who wants nothing more than to get power and do ''as much damage as possible'' with it.

Changed line(s) 72 (click to see context) from:

* MindScrew: '''All over the place.''' Despite the ostensible [[TheReveal reveal]] that the old woman is actually a glimpse of Ruby's future self on her deathbed, we have basically ''no'' answers as to what is going on, and in fact that reveal actually raises a lot more questions than it answers. The reason for the 73 yard distance, the origins of the fairy circle, the fate of the Doctor after his disappearance, and the reason why everyone- including ''Ruby's adoptive mother''- abandoned her upon hearing from the woman are all left completely unexplained.


* MindScrew: '''All over the place.''' Despite the ostensible [[TheReveal reveal]] that the old woman is actually a glimpse of Ruby's future self on her deathbed, we have basically ''no'' answers as to what is going on, and in fact that reveal actually raises a lot more questions than it answers. The reason for the 73 yard distance, the origins of the fairy circle, the fate of the Doctor after his disappearance, and the reason why everyone- including ''Ruby's adoptive mother''- abandoned her upon hearing from the woman are all left completely unexplained.

Changed line(s) 75 (click to see context) from:

* MythologyGag: This isn't the first time one of the main characters recognised a minor character because their actor (in this case, Susan Twist) appeared in a different role in previous episode, as the First Doctor recognised a minor character ("Man in Macintosh") in British-set episode "[[Recap/DoctorWhoS3E4TheDaleksMasterPlan The Feast of Steven]]" because his actor, Reg Pritchard, appeared in another role in "[[Recap/DoctorWhoS2E6TheCrusade The Crusade]]", set centuries earlier in Jaffa.


* MythologyGag: This isn't the first time one of the main characters recognised a minor character because their actor (in this case, Susan Twist) appeared in a different role in previous episode, as the First Doctor recognised a minor character ("Man in Macintosh") in British-set episode "[[Recap/DoctorWhoS3E4TheDaleksMasterPlan The Feast of Steven]]" because his actor, Reg Pritchard, appeared in another role in "[[Recap/DoctorWhoS2E6TheCrusade The Crusade]]", set centuries earlier in Jaffa.

Changed line(s) 77,78 (click to see context) from:

* NextSundayAD: The vision of 2046 doesn't look much different from 2024. No flying cars, no super-fancy tech. And neither does 2086, with Ruby even commenting that a light command the nurse told her about was around when she was young. The only hints of technological advancement are when Jack talks about his middle name Ap and says it's "not like those old apps people used to have on their phones", a [[AdvertOverloadedFuture holographic advertisem*nt]] outside Ruby's block of flats, and when Ruby's driver mentions that she can't get any closer to the cliff because there's "no signal" for the car's engine.
* NervesOfSteel: Downplayed with Kate. She's affected by the woman, just like everyone else, but while everyone else immediately runs away from Ruby after speaking to the woman, she has the nerve to speak to her and walks away relatively calmy.


* NextSundayAD: The vision of 2046 doesn't look much different from 2024. No flying cars, no super-fancy tech. And neither does 2086, with Ruby even commenting that a light command the nurse told her about was around when she was young. The only hints of technological advancement are when Jack talks about his middle name Ap and says it's "not like those old apps people used to have on their phones", a [[AdvertOverloadedFuture holographic advertisem*nt]] outside Ruby's block of flats, and when Ruby's driver mentions that she can't get any closer to the cliff because there's "no signal" for the car's engine.
* NervesOfSteel: Downplayed with Kate. She's affected by the woman, just like everyone else, but while everyone else immediately runs away from Ruby after speaking to the woman, she has the nerve to speak to her and walks away relatively calmy.

Changed line(s) 81 (click to see context) from:

* OhCrap: Two in a row. First Ruby hears Roger Ap Gwilliam's name mentioned in a news interview, then a bigger moment when she hears Roger say that his nickname is "Mad Jack."


* OhCrap: Two in a row. First Ruby hears Roger Ap Gwilliam's name mentioned in a news interview, then a bigger moment when she hears Roger say that his nickname is "Mad Jack."

Changed line(s) 85,86 (click to see context) from:

* RedBaron: Roger Ap Gwilliam is called "Mad Jack".
* RetGone: After old Ruby is on her deathbed, she somehow time-travels back to when her younger self and the Doctor first arrive in Wales. Ruby noticing her older self prevents the Doctor from breaking the fairy circle, preventing the timeline shown in this episode and the old Ruby is wiped out of existence.


* RedBaron: Roger Ap Gwilliam is called "Mad Jack".
* RetGone: After old Ruby is on her deathbed, she somehow time-travels back to when her younger self and the Doctor first arrive in Wales. Ruby noticing her older self prevents the Doctor from breaking the fairy circle, preventing the timeline shown in this episode and the old Ruby is wiped out of existence.

Changed line(s) 88,90 (click to see context) from:

* RippleEffectProofMemory: {{Downplayed}} -- in the revised timeline, Ruby mentions that she has been to Wales ''three'' times: once to see Shygirl, once because a boy invited her, and once "now" (read: in the "Mad Jack" timeline, now wiped out).
* ScrewThisImOuttaHere: The woman has this effect on people, causing them to completely run away and/or abandon Ruby and only cryptically say "Ask her!" when begged for a reason. Jack resigns his entire post as Prime Minister and seemingly becomes a recluse after Ruby manipulates him into talking to her.
* SetRightWhatOnceWentWrong: Ruby eventually surmises that this is the woman's goal when the Doctor's warning about Roger ap Gilliam starts to come true in 2046, and weaponizes the woman's presence and mysterious powers to force Roger to resign, averting a global nuclear crisis. Eventually, however, it's revealed the woman's purpose is even greater than this: she's the old Ruby from this timeline, traveling back to the moment the Doctor stepped on the fairy circle to influence her younger self to prevent him from disappearing... [[MindScrew or something to that effect]].


* RippleEffectProofMemory: {{Downplayed}} -- in the revised timeline, Ruby mentions that she has been to Wales ''three'' times: once to see Shygirl, once because a boy invited her, and once "now" (read: in the "Mad Jack" timeline, now wiped out).
* ScrewThisImOuttaHere: The woman has this effect on people, causing them to completely run away and/or abandon Ruby and only cryptically say "Ask her!" when begged for a reason. Jack resigns his entire post as Prime Minister and seemingly becomes a recluse after Ruby manipulates him into talking to her.
* SetRightWhatOnceWentWrong: Ruby eventually surmises that this is the woman's goal when the Doctor's warning about Roger ap Gilliam starts to come true in 2046, and weaponizes the woman's presence and mysterious powers to force Roger to resign, averting a global nuclear crisis. Eventually, however, it's revealed the woman's purpose is even greater than this: she's the old Ruby from this timeline, traveling back to the moment the Doctor stepped on the fairy circle to influence her younger self to prevent him from disappearing... [[MindScrew or something to that effect]].

Changed line(s) 92,93 (click to see context) from:

* SpecialEditionTitle: For the [[Recap/DoctorWhoS35E9SleepNoMore third instance]]
* [[Recap/DoctorWhoS37E1TheWomanWhoFellToEarth in the show's history]], the title sequence and theme do not appear, instead being replaced with text overlays naming the episode, actors, and producers. Given the Doctor's [[UnPerson status]] this episode, it's a [[LeaningOnTheFourthWall cheeky wink at the audience.]]


* SpecialEditionTitle: For the [[Recap/DoctorWhoS35E9SleepNoMore third instance]]
[[Recap/DoctorWhoS37E1TheWomanWhoFellToEarth in the show's history]], the title sequence and theme do not appear, instead being replaced with text overlays naming the episode, actors, and producers. Given the Doctor's [[UnPerson status]] this episode, it's a [[LeaningOnTheFourthWall cheeky wink at the audience.]]

Changed line(s) 95 (click to see context) from:

* TimeCompressionMontage: Shots of Ruby's birthday cards appear in between snippets of her daily life to show the passing of the years, with the Roger subplot occurring after a shot of a card Ruby received for her 40th birthday.


* TimeCompressionMontage: Shots of Ruby's birthday cards appear in between snippets of her daily life to show the passing of the years, with the Roger subplot occurring after a shot of a card Ruby received for her 40th birthday.

Changed line(s) 99 (click to see context) from:

* WhatHappenedToTheMouse: PlayedForHorror. Even by the end of the episode, with at least ''some'' answers as to what the woman was and the loop seems to be broken, we get absolutely no hint as to what happened to the Doctor in the original timeline.


* WhatHappenedToTheMouse: PlayedForHorror. Even by the end of the episode, with at least ''some'' answers as to what the woman was and the loop seems to be broken, we get absolutely no hint as to what happened to the Doctor in the original timeline.

History for Recap/DoctorWhoS40E473Yards - TV Tropes (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

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