Color of Danger (Secrets of Rios Azules, #1) (2024)

Secrets of Rios Azules #1

Alexa Verde


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Former runaway Mari Del Lobo works hard to save her struggling restaurant and to trust people again. Dallas surgeon Dr. Luke Goodman turns her world upside down with terrifying news. A recent murder has her late brother's - aka the Smiling Killer - signature and MO. When attacks on her escalate, Mari fights her growing attraction to the good doctor as fiercely as she fights for her life. To rescue herself and those she loves, will she be able to stop the murderer before he strikes again?

Luke couldn't save his fiancée from the Smiling Killer, but he'll do anything to prevent more murders, even ask help from the serial killer's sister. Finding a kindred tortured soul and the perpetrator's next target in Mari, Luke is determined to protect the stubborn ex-rebel. But Mari would rather face danger than risk the safety of the man she comes to love.

    GenresRomantic SuspenseChristian FictionRomanceChristianSuspenseMysteryMystery Thriller

216 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 13, 2014

About the author

Alexa Verde


Alexa Verde writes feel-good small-town romances with a smile. She'd love it if you subscribed to her newsletter Every subscriber gets a free Christian romance after confirming the subscription as a thank-you gift.
She penned her first literary "masterpiece" (a rhymed poem) at the ripe age of eight, and since has had over forty books and 200 short stories, articles, and poems published in the five languages that she speaks. Over 60 million pages of her books have been read worldwide. She has bachelor's degrees in English and Spanish, a master's in Russian, and enjoys writing about characters from diverse cultures. She's worn the hats of reporter, teacher, translator, assistant, model (even one day counts!), and caretaker, but thinks that the writer's hat suits her the best. She hopes and prays that her stories will bring joy to her readers. Heartfelt thanks for your interest in her books!

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161 reviews62 followers

June 27, 2014

Review also on

'Color of Danger' is a fascinating debut novel written by Alexa Verde. The mystery plot was engaging, maybe not very original, but can keep readers captivated and wanting to know what happens next. I had my suspicions about the end game, but it still surprised me.
I can recommend this book to every one who enjoys mystery with a little romance in it.

Thanks to Alexa Verde for sending me an ebook in exchange for an honest review!

E.Michael Helms

Author8 books293 followers

June 17, 2014

"Opposites attract" is a physical phenomenon in the laws of nature, and it certainly holds true in Alexa Verde's fine debut novel, COLOR OF DANGER.

Suave Dallas surgeon Dr. Luke Goodman travels to the small Texas town of Rios Azules (Blue Rivers) in search of tough girl Mari Del Lobo, brother of Tony Del Lobo, aka "The Smiling Killer," who supposedly perished in a fire witnessed by Mari a year earlier. Luke's girlfriend was among the late serial killer's victims. But when a recent slaying matching The Smiling Killer's MO occurs near Rios Azules, Luke has strong reason to doubt the validity of Tony Del Lobo's reported death.

Luke has his mind made up that Mari is covering up for her brother, and that they share more than the same DNA. But when the two meet and accidentally touch, sparks fly and a mutual deep attraction draws them together. Both are reluctant to admit what their hearts are telling them. After all, they come from two different worlds, and also share a mutual distrust. But time and circ*mstance gradually wear down the walls they've built to protect themselves from further hurt.

Another murder occurs, and they begin to work together to fit the pieces of the puzzle that holds the key to the murders. Did The Smiling Killer somehow escape the fire, and is he on the loose again bent on wreaking havoc and revenge? Twists and turns abound as the reader is led down a path with numerous side trails and dead ends.

Has The Smiling Killer indeed risen from the ashes like a mad Phoenix to strike again? Or, is there a copycat killer on the prowl, intent on his or her own twisted, blood-thirsty sense of revenge? The author keeps the reader guessing until almost the very end, and once the story begins to unfold, the reader will find it difficult to put down! (4.5 Stars for a wonderful debut effort!)

Carrie Schmidt

Author1 book425 followers

February 13, 2017

Color of Danger is packed with suspense! It starts off with some pretty high-stakes tension and doesn’t let up for very long throughout the course of the novel. There’s not a lot of action necessarily, but the suspense is set up more psychologically. As a reader I got to the point where I almost didn’t trust anyone and about the time I thought I had it figured out, the author threw me another curve. This not only kept the pace of the novel steady, it also kept me engaged throughout.

Mari is the kind of character that makes you smile – spunky, feisty, determined. She loves fiercely and refuses to let anyone put her into a certain mold or expectation. Luke is the yummy doctor who thinks he’s part-cop, but I’m not complaining because his protective instincts made him even yummier.

My one issue with Color of Danger is that I felt the characters could have been developed a bit more – emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, etc. Some of their reactions/emotions seemed a bit one-dimensional or at least too glossed-over considering the situations they were in. I couldn’t really connect with these characters because I never felt like I got inside their heads or their hearts during the novel. However, I did really enjoy watching Mari journey closer to Jesus – her progress was very sweet and without pretense.

(I received a copy of this book in exchange for only my honest review.)

See my full review at Reading Is My SuperPower

    blog-reviewed contemporary diverse-characters

Book Junky Girls

840 reviews35 followers

May 4, 2014

4.5 Stars

Mari has tried to put the past behind her, a serial killer for a brother really shows you who your true friends are. She's opened up a resturant and is always there for everyone else, but when a new string of murders are similar to her deseased brother they rally around her to try and help, and then there's Luke. Luke's fiance was killed a year ago by the Smiling Killer and seeing murders that match his signature he's determined to solve the case and bring them to justice, even if he's a doctor and not a cop. Mari could be the key to solving everything, either because she's a part of it or because she's a likely target. He just has to figure out which, problem is she's not one to let anyone push her around. Can they figure out who's the next target and figure out who the murder is before it's too late?

Mari is strong and independant, and she's fiercely loyal helping everyone without asking for anything in return. Luke is sweet and caring and very determined, he's had loss but doesn't allow that to overshadow his life trusting in his faith to bring him peace. Together they are a smart team sorting out clues to figure things out, as long as they can trust each other.

This is a great murder mystery with just a touch of romance to it. Definitley an enjoyable afternoon of reading on my part.


767 reviews12 followers

August 25, 2016

Color of Danger is Alexa Verde’s debut novel and the first book in her Secrets of Rios Azules series. Set in a fictional south Texas town, this inspirational romantic suspense kept me guessing until the very end!

I really enjoyed the complexity of the main characters, Mari and Luke, and their emotional and spiritual growth, as well as the undercurrents of romance. The dramatic elements and mounting suspense made for some hair-raising moments and intensified my need to know how the story would end. I loved the twists, turns, and surprises along the way, as Mari and Luke worked to stay out of danger and one step ahead of the killer!

Color of Danger is a great debut and a recommended read for fans of romantic suspense! I look forward to reading more from Alexa Verde!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review, which I have given.


Author19 books13 followers

May 16, 2014

Great book. I couldn’t put it down. Alexa has created great characters. Very interesting plot. It’s fast paced and action packed. Mari’s story pulls you in from the first page. Mari has started to put her past behind her when she’s confronted with it in the form of another killer that uses her brother’s mo and she’s the main target. With the help of her friends and new boyfriend Luke they set out to find out who it is that’s doing the killing. She learns that not everyone are what they seem to be. This one will appeal to all types of readers. It has romance, action, and mystery. I look forward to reading more of Alexa’s books.

Laura Scott

Author207 books535 followers

May 16, 2014

This is an amazing and uplifting inspirational suspense story by Alexa Verde, I read it in one sitting it was so intriguing. Mari is a complex and compelling heroine who has to overcome a horrible past. She meets handsome Dr. Luke and immediately sparks fly between them. There are many twists and turns in this story that keep the reader guessing until the very end. I think this is an excellent start to Ms. Verde's Secrets of Rios Azules series! I can't wait to read her next book!


1,003 reviews33 followers

November 20, 2014

4.5 Stars


2,693 reviews82 followers

September 7, 2016

Color Of Danger by Alexa Verde is a Christian multicultural romantic suspense. It will have you guessing and asking questions right from the start - and just when you think you've guessed the outcome, you find out you're wrong!
The novel has many themes including that of forgiveness. We all need forgiveness but it is often hardest to forgive the face in the mirror. Past performance means Mari believes she is beyond forgiveness and redemption. "Once she believed she was worthy of God's love... How could she be worthy of it now?" No-one is ever beyond God's grace. "God's mercy is limitless."
God's presence permeates the novel. Mari used to believe and pray but "hadn't been able to pray since the day her brother died." (No plot spoilers here as this happens as the novel opens.) God never moved away from Mari. Mari withdrew from God. Sometimes in the bad times we push God away. It is in the bad times that we need to draw closer to God and lean on Him for strength. "My faith saved me." A wise person presses into God at all times.
Linked in to faith in God is the theme of trust. Sometimes circ*mstances mean we find it hard to trust God and hard to trust people but not everyone we meet will let us down.
Our view of God may be coloured by our relationship with our earthly father. However God is the perfect Father and He will never let us down.
Lead character Mari is a strong woman. She relies only on herself and has built a wall of protection around her heart. Sometimes these walls we build to protect us serve only to isolate us from the world. The walls need to come down and let others in.
Color Of Danger is an intriguing read. The reader begins with questions and as the novel progresses so the questions pile up. The question of who Mari can trust is foremost in both hers and the readers minds. All will be revealed in good time.
Color Of Danger is a perfect afternoon's read. It's far too exciting for bedtime or you will be reading into the night!

I received this book for free in exchange for a fair and honest review. No monetary compensation was received and all views expressed are my own.

Tianna Holley

Author4 books134 followers

July 25, 2014

Although I usually read fantasy, I decided to buy this novel one evening and am glad I did. Color of Danger is a Christian, romantic suspense with a strong female main character, and I was surprised by how much she has in common with the lead in my Alissia Roswell Series. Both women come from child abuse and have a love interest named Luke.
With a bad past, the main character has trust issues, and the author explores this deeply within the story. I’m not one for love at first sight and was pleased to find this was not one of those romances.
Unlike the fantasy reads I’m used to, this story follows the mystery surrounding a serial killer on the loose. The story is tight and put together well, with the romance being sweet and not overpowering to the mystery-themed plot.
The characters are adults, but with this being a clean, Christian novel, I believe teenagers who love mysteries would also enjoy this read.
The author also listed discussion questions at the back of the book, and I highly recommend this to Christian book clubs. The questions are already there, and the discussion would be about trust.
I’ve had Christians tell me they don’t like to read Christian novels as much because they find them predictable or the main characters keep getting saved from bad circ*mstances, not putting enough danger in the story. (I’ve seen this myself with some of my past reads.) However, that’s not the case with Color of Danger. It’s true to life–bad things happen, and the characters have to learn to deal. That’s where forgiveness, faith, and trust come in, no matter how hard to do at times.


169 reviews21 followers

May 14, 2014

The sweetest of all romances for me are the beautifully written Christian Romances. But this one come with a twist. Suspense, murder and betrayal.

From the very first page I found myself completely wrapped up in the intensity of family betrayal. It only increased throughout the book as I racked my brain to try and solve the mystery behind the threats and murders. To then be completely blown away by the actual murderer. I can usually figure out a mystery but author Alexa Verde did an excellent job at keeping me guessing the whole time.

I really enjoyed the murder mystery in the story but then there is the romance. This was a sweet, slow building romance that grows between to people with a common goal and the need to feel loved, healed and forgiven. Luke and Mari couldn't be more opposite but also completely the same. Luke is a man that does more than just heal people. He heals those who may not even know they are in need of healing. He has a heart of gold and a beautiful soul. I personally think he does his best work with simple words.... Prayer.

So much of this book touched my heart. It makes you stop and think about things in life and wonder what you would do. Could you forgive someone who betrayed you?? Could you forgive yourself?? Am I worthy of forgiveness?? It truly is a heart touching book that not only teaches you about love, and forgiveness but also the love and forgiveness that God has for you.

I can say with my whole heart that I felt truly uplifted by Mari’s and Luke’s story and give this book 5 heavenly stars.

    christian-romance request-for-review suspense-romance


1,179 reviews

June 12, 2016

Color Of Danger : Christian Multicultural Romance Suspense ( Secrets Of Rios Azures-Book 1 )
By: Alexa Verde

Color of Danger is the first book in Secrets of Rios Azules series. This is the second book I have read by Aleza Verde and I was not disappointed. The first one was the prequel to Color of Danger, and it picks up where the prequel, River of Danger, left off.. I would advise anyone to start with River of Danger, the prequel before reading any of the other books in the series. I think I would have been lost if I had not read the prequel first. Alexa Verde writes a good clean Christian romance suspense , and i have enjoyed both of them. The author again captured me right at the start and did not let go till the end. Verde writes another nail biting , page turner, that will have you on the edge of your seat hanging on for your life. I was holding my breath one minute and the next I was grinning. Color of Danger is full of action , danger , and suspense. It is a story of faith, love and murder. The heroine, Mari, is a very brave and strong lady. She is the sister of a series killer and it does not make her life easy. Another killer on the loose. Can Mari and her friends find the killer before it is to late. Is Mari’s life in danger? Who can she trust? I can’t wait to read book two, Taste of Danger.
I was given a copy of this book by the author for my honest review.


664 reviews37 followers

May 30, 2014

Luke and Mari’s story… It’s filled with mystery, suspense, desperation, forgiveness, love, and healing that is powerful, overwhelming, and tangible. The twists in the plot are unexpected and gut-wrenching, but there’s a strength, a steady resolve in both of them that just blew me away.

I didn’t have to read more than five pages of this story to know what it was that kept Luke and Mari on the path they walked. It was their faith. Weak or strong, wavering or certain, their faith in God was always there. From the darkest moments to the joyous ones, it was there.

I’ve read and enjoyed my fair share of romantic suspense novels, but none have struck a chord like this one. What an amazing, beautiful story. Scarred and hurting for reasons neither initially knows about, Mari and Luke find each other at the most inconvenient time. Yet, the time was perfect because it was their time to move forward, to live again, to love again.

“Remember what you said about colors? I want to color your life beautiful.” – Luke Goodman (Kindle, Loc 2906)

***Received from Tasty Book Tours for an honest review***

    series suspense

Joelle Teague

118 reviews3 followers

June 11, 2016

After reading the prequel, I knew this book was going to be good... what I didn't expect was for it to be FREAKING AWESOME. Mari's story kept me on the edge of my seat and i couldn't put the book down because I was afraid I was going to miss something. (Yes, I know it's a book and nothing was going to change, but you get the point) The lone wolf, one of the Danger girls... Mari was a very complex, yet inspiring character - you had to admire her spunk and perseverance. She also met her match in Luke. I am fast becoming a big fan of the Danger girls and the friendship they have - we should all be so lucky to have these kinds of friend in our corner. I was 80% sure who done it about halfway through, but not because it was that apparent - I just made a good guess based on all the clues. What I wasn't expecting - one of the end scenes that brought me to tears.... Definitely a big surprise and I sure wasn't prepared for this book to make me cry. Can't wait to read the next one!

Lisa Filipe

Author5 books256 followers

May 19, 2014

If you are a fan of Criminal Minds (as I am...come on, Shamar Moore...Need I say More?), you will certainly enjoy debut Romance Suspense, COLOR OF DANGER by Alexa Verde.

I like a strong heroine like Mari, who wants to be able to protect herself, and hates to rely on others for protection...but when you find a fake head in your mini fridge, you know it might be time to let go of the reins a bit.

Dr. Luke Goodman has every reason to dislike the heroine, Mari, but many of those reasons went right out the door the moment his protective instincts kicked in.

Not knowing who you can trust is a struggle for Mari, but she will have to learn to trust Luke before it is too late...and she winds up the next victim of the copy cat killer.

    book-tour gifted-by-author

Ann Miller

Author7 books40 followers

June 9, 2014

A very entertaining suspense, Color of Danger is a full-bodied read encompassing friendship and faith along with plenty of mystery and, of course, suspense. Reminiscent of Dee Henderson, Verde constructs a "family" of young adults who take care of each other. Also, the hero is an uber sensitive, over-the-top nice guy. I loved the strong-minded heroine who kept a knife in her boot, yet had a soft heart. 4.5 Stars

Linda Rainey

2,347 reviews20 followers

May 22, 2015

Color of Danger by Alexa Verde was a heart, stopping,edge of your seat,action packed inspirational romantic suspense novel.
Luke came to Rio Azules to find out about his fiancee's death, Mari, wanted to find out who was stalking her.
Working together, they race to find a possible serial killer before it's too late.
Helping them is God's love, comfort and redemption.
Well I can officially say that Alexa Verde is a fantastic author.

Louise Pledge

1,286 reviews25 followers

May 21, 2014

First, let me say that it was hard to believe that this was a debut for Alexa Verde! The writing was superb & very professional, unlike many of the debuts I've read, and the story, itself, grabs your attention from the beginning. I enjoyed watching the main character grow to accept not only herself but God's role in her life. I am so eager for the next book; hurry, Ms Verde!


291 reviews29 followers

October 11, 2014

Thank You to Alexa Verde for sending me an e-book to read and give an honest review of! This is an awesome debut novel. Insprational,Romance and suspense all rolled into one. I wanted to keep reading to see what would happen at the end.I can't wait to read the next book in the series.


571 reviews237 followers

May 12, 2014

Rating: 4.5 Stars!
Full Review to come!

Sharon Paavola

251 reviews30 followers

December 24, 2014

This mystery that kept my attention throughout even though I was unsure in the beginning. Interesting characters weave in the storyline keeping you guessing who is the perpetrator.

Glenda Parker

Author14 books20 followers

April 16, 2018

My review today is the thriller Color of Danger. This is book one in the Secrets of Rios Azules Series. This book was sent to me by the author. I'm not required to review it. It was sent to me because I really enjoy Alexa's work. This book is excellent, I enjoyed every word of it and look forward to reading more of her work. I love intrigues. This book is well written, action packed and full of twists and turns. You are going to love it.

Anthony Del Lobo was a serial killer. He was killed one year ago in a fire at the family cabin. Mari Del Lobo his sister was with him just before he died. She punched him out, escapes the fire, and carries the guilt. She knows that he was killed. Now she is getting threats from her dead brother. Another dead body has turned up with the same MO. Someone is trying to kill her and make it look like her brother did it. Estranged from her father she has no one to turn to. Mari meets a very attractive doctor that steps up to help her. Trust is a difficult issue for Mari, especially men.

Dr. Luke Goodman lost his fiancee to the Smiling Killer. He is convinced that the killer is still alive and killing again. He goes to Rios Azules to find the killer's sister. She must know where her brother is. She's probably helping him. He soon discovers Mari's life is in danger. He must keep her safe.

A journey of two tortured souls trying to discover who is trying to kill them. God has a plan for these two, a good plan and not for evil. God has a plan for you too, a plan for a hope and a future. Give Him your heart and watch Him turn your life around.

Trudy Cordle

872 reviews6 followers

February 17, 2023

Loved Luke and Mari's story!! Mari is distrustful of men, especially after her brother is proven to be the Smiling Killer. Luke's fiancee was killed by Tony, and when another woman is killed by someone using the same MO, he decides he can't let another woman be murdered. When all of the clues start pointing to Mari being the next victim, Luke knows he can't leave her side. He doesn't expect to start falling for her, though. Mari's not let any man close enough to get through her defenses, and she's not sure how Luke has managed. She knows he's not going to give up his life in Dallas to be with her in Rios Azules. Or will he?? Such a great read!! Love how Mari finds her way back to God, thanks to Luke!

I received a complimentary copy of this book, was not required to leave a review, and the opinion expressed is my own.

Jaycee Weaver

Author31 books262 followers

October 29, 2017

Thoroughly enjoyable!

I came across this author recently in a Facebook group. To be honest, I’d seen it in my recommended list here and skipped past because I didn’t care for the cover. But I read the description again and decided to go for it. I am SO glad I did. It was a very well written romantic suspense. Her heroine was likable, spunky, and fun. Her hero was sweet, protective, and her perfect counterpart. They worked through their issues together and with the Lord’s help. And while it was completely clean, the chemistry was great. That first kiss!! More sheltered readers may not care for the descriptions of a couple victims, but it wasn’t overly graphic. Looking forward to book two.

Renate Deutsche Oma

1,166 reviews

August 24, 2018

Alexa Verde is a talented writer of different genres. Even though I usually do not read mystery suspense, I enjoyed Color of Danger with unique international tidbits - German commands, Russian cuisine, and more. As a German, I chuckled that Nowa, the German Shepherd was trained with German commands - Bleib, Sitz. Mari, Luke, and the Danger Girls are relatable, yet unique, characters. The twist and turn plot kept me turning pages. Clues were woven into the plot, so when Mari realized, who was trying to kill her, so did I. The ending was believable with an epilogue. Looking forward to reading the rest of the series about the Danger Girls.



1,303 reviews6 followers

August 7, 2017

Mari and Luke's story is truly remarkable. When Luke contact Mari his life will change. The troubles these two find their selfs in will have you on the edge of your seat waiting to see what happens next. The characters in this book are all very special people. You will feel God working throughout this whole story. I had the honor to review this book for the author for a honest review. The review is my honest thoughts and reaction to this book. I would give this book a higher rating than a five star review if I could.

Susan Shearer

403 reviews2 followers

June 9, 2020

Alexa Verde’s Color of Danger is a book about forgiveness and triumph when you least expect it and can come in unexpected ways. A mystery book of sorts with a few twists and turns you aren’t expecting proves this book to be a good read.
Mari Del Lobo was the sister of a serial killer and feels guilty that she didn’t see the signs. Dr. Luke Goodman had his fiancée killed by the same serial killer. Can these to broken hearts heal each other by finding the answers they seek, or will it destroy them both?

Janice Sisemore

1,537 reviews14 followers

August 18, 2017

Color of danger

Love the suspense of this book. Love the characters of Mari and Luke and Mari's dog. Someone is trying to make Mari believe her brother is alive and he is killing again. Will they be able to find out the truth before if is too late? Definitely kept me guessing who the real killer was. I received an complementary copy of the book and definitely recommend it. Looking forward to the rest of the series.


Andrea Byers

471 reviews11 followers

March 27, 2019

Mari’s brother died in a fire, but did he really? A new victim has appeared and it looks like his signature. Luke comes to Rios Azules not believing Tony is dead and wanting to see if his sister Mari is really the one responsible for the murders. She’s being threatened and he decides to stick by her side to see if she’s telling the truth or setting this up herself. Riveting story, and one that keeps you guessing until very close to the end.

Anne Wingate

504 reviews16 followers

March 27, 2019

A State of Mind

Mari tells Luke that Texas is not a place, but a way to life. It's even more than that. It's a world in itself, and it contains danger as well as joy. Mari has had more than her share of that.
Luke hasn't known that much fear, but he's well acquainted with grief, thanks to Mari's brother Antonio.
Verde's mystery/suspense novel is heart-pounding tension from first word to last one.
Recommended for all readers of clean mystery, suspense,,and Texas fiction.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 reviews

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Color of Danger (Secrets of Rios Azules, #1) (2024)
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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.