45 Facebook Statistics Marketers Need to Know in 2024 (2024)

Table of Contents
2024 Facebook Stats General Facebook stats 1. Facebook has more than three billion monthly active users 2. More than 2 billion people use Facebook daily 3. Facebook is the most popular social network in the world 4. Facebook.com is the third-most visited website 5. 1.3 billion fake Facebook accounts are removed quarterly 6. India is Facebook’s biggest audience 7. By 2027, Facebook will reach 75% of the world’s population 8. 30% of U.S. adults regularly get news from Facebook 9. The best time to post on Facebook is between 8:00 a.m. and noon, Tuesday or Thursday Facebook user stats 10. More than 56% of Facebook users are male 11. 5.6% of Facebook users are over 65 years old 12. Millennials make up almost half of Facebook’s audience 13. Teenagers are less likely to use Facebook now than they were 10 years ago 14. Only 19% of teens use Facebook daily 15. Middle- or lower-income teens are more likely to use Facebook than teens from higher-earning families 16. More than 20% of Facebook users are between 18 and 24 Facebook usage stats 17. Users spend almost 20 hours a month on Facebook 18. The average engagement rate is less than 1% 19. Image posts have the highest engagement 20. Link posts have the lowest engagement 21. More than 80% of people access Facebook on their phones Facebook stats for business 22. More than a billion people connect with businesses on Facebook each week 23. 200 million businesses use Meta apps 24. 91% of organizations have a Facebook presence 25. …but only 62% of brands are confident that Facebook delivers ROI 26. The most popular Facebook Fan Page is… Facebook 27. Brands post an average of 5 times a week on Facebook 28. More than half of users take action after seeing a brand’s Story. Facebook ad stats 29. Facebook revenues will hit $170 billion this year 30. Facebook’s ad reach is 1.98 billion 31. Ad impressions increased by 31% last year 32. The average click-through rate on Facebook ads is 1.4% Facebook shopping stats 33. 37% of Facebook users will make a purchase on the platform in 2023 34. Facebook is the leading platform for social commerce 35. 19% of U.S. consumers start their shopping search on Facebook Facebook video stats 36. 50% of time spent on Facebook is spent on video 37. More than 2 billion people watch videos on Facebook each month 38. Facebook Reels accounted for 3.3% of ad impressions on the platform in 2022 39. Reels’ share of daily social time is plateauing 40. 65% of U.S. users like watching Stories to feel close to friends 41. Vertical video with audio has a 35% higher click-through rate on Facebook Facebook Threads stats 42. Threads reached 1 million users faster than any other app in history 43. Instagram Threads currently has 15.36 million active users 44. India is the country with the most Threads users 45. Visits to Threads’ website are dropping Become a better social marketer. Related Articles 37 Important TikTok Stats Marketers Need to Know [2024] 27 Inspiring YouTube Stats to Know in 2024 35 Instagram Statistics That Matter to Marketers in 2024 How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy in 9 Easy Steps [Free Template]


This list of Facebook statistics has all the data you need to craft a smart strategy and build reports, presentations, and more.

Stacey McLachlan January 11, 2024

45 Facebook Statistics Marketers Need to Know in 2024 (1)

2024 Facebook Stats

General Facebook stats

Facebook user stats

Facebook usage stats

Facebook stats for business

Facebook ad stats

Facebook shopping stats

Facebook video stats

Facebook Threads stats

TikTok may get all the buzz, but Facebook is still the most-used social platform in the world… by a long shot.

Despite being almost 20 years old, Facebook continues to be an absolute behemoth in the social media world—one that brands and social media marketers can’t afford to ignore.

So we’ve pulled together dozens of essential Facebook statistics, updated for 2024, to help paint a picture of just what’s happening on Facebook right now. Consider this your cheat sheet for understanding the ever-changing demographics, user behavior, and advertising practices of the OG social network.

45 Facebook Statistics Marketers Need to Know in 2024 (2)

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General Facebook stats

1. Facebook has more than three billion monthly active users

As of the second quarter of 2023, Facebook had 3.05 billion monthly active users, despite the app’s declining popularity among the youth demographic. Meta also reported in the spring of 2023 that 3.96 billion people use at least one of their core products (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, or Messenger) every month.

2. More than 2 billion people use Facebook daily

The number of daily active users Facebook has is almost more impressive than its monthly numbers: 2.09 billion users log in to the app or site each day—a number that’s up 5% since 2023.

3. Facebook is the most popular social network in the world

With that number of monthly active users, it’s probably no surprise to learn that Facebook ranks as the most-used social network in the world currently. The runner-up, YouTube, has a mere 2.4 billion monthly active users in comparison.

4. Facebook.com is the third-most visited website

According to SimilarWeb, Facebook ranks third in the world—under Google (#1) and YouTube (#2).

5. 1.3 billion fake Facebook accounts are removed quarterly

Spam accounts and fraudulent accounts are an issue for the social media platform. On average, more than one billion fake Facebook accounts are removed each quarter.

6. India is Facebook’s biggest audience

With 314 million users, India has more accounts than any other country in the world. The United States is the second most active country on Facebook, with 175 million users. (Indonesia, Brazil, and Mexico follow.)

7. By 2027, Facebook will reach 75% of the world’s population

Statisticians project that Facebook’s reach will continue to grow in the next several years, and by 2027, may reach 75.79% of people around the world.

8. 30% of U.S. adults regularly get news from Facebook

YouTube is the second-most popular social media source for news, but Facebook takes the lead with 30% of American adults.

9. The best time to post on Facebook is between 8:00 a.m. and noon, Tuesday or Thursday

Of course, your mileage may vary. The best time to post on Facebook really depends on your specific audience and their social habits, but on average, posting between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays seems to be a sweet spot. (Hot tip: Hootsuite’s scheduling tool can suggest custom posting times to optimize your reach.)

Facebook user stats

10. More than 56% of Facebook users are male

The Facebook user base skews more male than female in 2024 (though please note that this data set did not account for non-binary users). 56.3% of users identify as male, while 43.7% of users identify as female.

11. 5.6% of Facebook users are over 65 years old

Though Facebook increasingly has a reputation as a safe space for boomers, there is minimal participation from users of this demographic. Only 5.6% of Facebook users are older than 65.

12. Millennials make up almost half of Facebook’s audience

The group that first launched Facebook to world fame is still highly active on the social media platform. Just over 49% of users are between the ages of 25 and 44.

13. Teenagers are less likely to use Facebook now than they were 10 years ago

Things change a lot in a decade. According to Pew Research, only 33% of teenagers have an active Facebook account, down from 71% in 2014-2015.

14. Only 19% of teens use Facebook daily

And just 3% of teenagers aged 13 to 17 report that they’re on Facebook “almost constantly.” YouTube and Tiktok, on the other hand, have captured the teen market: 71% of teenagers visit YouTube daily and 58% open up TikTok on that schedule.

15. Middle- or lower-income teens are more likely to use Facebook than teens from higher-earning families

While fewer teenagers are using Facebook overall, those who are using it tend to come from lower- or middle-income families. For instance, 45% of teenagers from families with annual incomes under $30,000 report using Facebook, but only 27% of teens from homes with annual incomes of $75,000 or more do the same.

16. More than 20% of Facebook users are between 18 and 24

Maybe they’re on TikTok, too, but that valuable 18-to-24-year-old demographic accounts for 21.5% of Facebook’s large audience.

Facebook usage stats

17. Users spend almost 20 hours a month on Facebook

It’s practically a part-time job! Facebook users on average log in to the app or website almost 20 hours a month. That works out to an average of about 40 minutes per day.

18. The average engagement rate is less than 1%

Don’t be discouraged if you’re not getting the likes and comments you once were. It’s totally normal to have a low engagement rate. In fact, the average Facebook Page has an average fan engagement of just 0.07%.

19. Image posts have the highest engagement

While the average engagement rate overall can be quite low on Facebook Pages, images tend to capture a little more action, with an average interaction rate of 0.12%.

Bonus: Find out what people really want from brands on social—including why they follow, engage, buy, and even unfollow them—in The Social Media Consumer Report.

20. Link posts have the lowest engagement

Maybe this is your sign to stop sharing so many links? Link posts on Facebook Pages have the lowest engagement rate of any type of Facebook post, with 0.03%.

21. More than 80% of people access Facebook on their phones

If you were waiting for a sign to go mobile-first with your campaign designs, this is it: 81.8% of Facebook users only use a mobile phone. Only 1.5% use a laptop or desktop exclusively.

Facebook stats for business

22. More than a billion people connect with businesses on Facebook each week

That Facebook Messenger is a powerful tool. Sheryl Sandberg reported that every single week, more than a billion Facebook users reach out to businesses using Facebook’s messaging tool.

23. 200 million businesses use Meta apps

Facebook and its sister apps (Instagram, WhatsApp) are in the business of helping small business, it seems. More than 200 million brands use the platforms to create virtual storefronts and connect with customers every single month.

24. 91% of organizations have a Facebook presence

Businesses of all kinds use Facebook, and the numbers don’t lie. More than 90% of brands have a presence on Facebook. Instagram and LinkedIn are the other most common social media platforms for businesses to use. The least likely? BeReal.

25. …but only 62% of brands are confident that Facebook delivers ROI

Though most modern brands do turn to Facebook for marketing and advertising purposes, only 62% of companies report that they feel an investment in Facebook has brought them a return on that money.

26. The most popular Facebook Fan Page is… Facebook

The most popular Facebook Fan page is for Facebook itself (with more than 214 million fans). Other top brands (or celebrities) on Facebook include Samsung, Cristiano Ronaldo, Real Madrid CF, Coca-Cola, FC-Barcelona, and Shakira.

27. Brands post an average of 5 times a week on Facebook

Those benchmarks change quite significantly, depending on your industry, though. Media brands post far more than average (73.5 posts a week), while food and beverage companies do much less (2.5).

28. More than half of users take action after seeing a brand’s Story.

58% of Facebook users browse a brand’s website for more info after seeing a product or service in a Facebook Story. (And 31% report going to a store to check out a business in person!)

Facebook ad stats

29. Facebook revenues will hit $170 billion this year

Facebook’s 2023 annual global revenue was about $152 billion USD. Ad execs are predicting a banner year for 2024, though, estimating a $170.82 billion revenue, a rebound from a few years of pandemic-influenced slump.

30. Facebook’s ad reach is 1.98 billion

If you’re advertising on Facebook in 2024, you’ve got a potential ad reach of 1.98 billion people.

31. Ad impressions increased by 31% last year

Across Meta’s family of apps (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger), ad impressions went up by more than a third, all while the average price per ad dropped by 6%.

32. The average click-through rate on Facebook ads is 1.4%

When sorted by industry, apparel and footwear had the highest CTR for Facebook ads, at 2.06%; healthcare Facebook ads only had a 0.73% click-through rate. But clickthroughs aren’t the only way to measure the success of your social media ad campaign. Impressions might be a more meaningful number, depending on your social media goals.

Facebook shopping stats

33. 37% of Facebook users will make a purchase on the platform in 2023

Facebook Shops are booming in popularity and allow shoppers to explore and purchase products within the app itself. This goes beyond just social selling: this is full-on ecommerce.

34. Facebook is the leading platform for social commerce

In 2022, 63.5 million people made at least one purchase via Facebook. Instagram is a close second, putting Meta at the top of the charts for social-media shopping experiences. This stat includes Marketplace in addition to Facebook Shops, a sales opportunity more brands might want to consider.

35. 19% of U.S. consumers start their shopping search on Facebook

When people are ready to research their next purchase (big or small), they’re increasingly likely to turn to social instead of a search engine. While Amazon, search engines, and Google are at the top of the shopping pipeline still, Facebook is creeping up as a contender. Better polish up those social SEO skills.

Facebook video stats

36. 50% of time spent on Facebook is spent on video

According to Facebook, 50% of time spent on Facebook or Instagram is spent watching video content.

37. More than 2 billion people watch videos on Facebook each month

And a whopping 74% of Facebook In-Stream non-skippable video ads are viewed all the way through.

38. Facebook Reels accounted for 3.3% of ad impressions on the platform in 2022

But Reels ads have about half the potential audience of Stories ads. Advertisers with a solid Reels advertising strategy can gain an advantage by getting in on this ad placement while it’s still a relative novelty.

39. Reels’ share of daily social time is plateauing

After a hot start, Reels is now revenue-neutral. Meta said in its Q3 earnings that it will change its focus from reels to video in a more comprehensive way.

40. 65% of U.S. users like watching Stories to feel close to friends

That’s not the only benefit reported for Instagram Stories. More than 70% of U.S. users agree Stories allow them to experience new things vicariously, while 57% say Stories make them feel part of a community.

41. Vertical video with audio has a 35% higher click-through rate on Facebook

Want your Reels ads to really stand out? Incorporate audio.

Facebook reports that vertical video ad spots that include audio feature a 35% higher click-through rate than video ads without sound. You’ll also see improved conversion rates and improved ROI for your ad spend. (Adding Reels to existing campaigns also increases click-through rates across all ad placements by 56%!)

Facebook Threads stats

42. Threads reached 1 million users faster than any other app in history

In its first five days, Threads earned over 100 million sign-ups. This broke the previous record set by ChatGPT. Instagram itself took two and a half months to reach that number of users.

43. Instagram Threads currently has 15.36 million active users

A pretty impressive number, even with some attrition after its blockbuster launch in the summer.

44. India is the country with the most Threads users

More than 54 million users downloaded the Instagram Threads app in July 2023 — that was 33.5% of all Threads users at that time.

45. Visits to Threads’ website are dropping

Right out of the gate, Threads (run by Meta) was a hot-ticket platform, with 50.22 million visits in its first week. But as of October 2023, Threads is generating 10.56 million visitors weekly.

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Social media stats

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By Stacey McLachlan

Stacey McLachlan is an award-winning writer and editor from Vancouver with more than a decade of experience working for print and digital publications.

She is editor-at-large for Western Living and Vancouver Magazine, author of the National Magazine Award-nominated 'City Informer' column, and a regular contributor to Dwell. Her previous work covers a wide range of topics, from SEO-focused thought-leadership to profiles of mushroom foragers, but her specialties include design, people, social media strategy, and humor.

You can usually find her at the beach, or cleaning sand out of her bag.

Read more by Stacey McLachlan

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